What are the SDGs?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international development goals to be achieved from 2016 to 2030, which are stated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that was adopted at the United Nations Summit held in September 2015. They consist of 17 goals and 169 targets, and pledge “Leave no one behind.” The SDGs are universal goals applicable, not only to developing countries but also developed countries, and Japan is actively working to achieve these goals.
Reference source: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan homepage
Initiatives aimed at realizing a comfortable workplace environment and energizing the organization

We will promote health management and actively manage our employees’ health.
Specific initiatives
- We will promote measures to improve health while taking employees’ requests into account.
- We will hold training sessions to increase health awareness and raise awareness among the employees themselves.

We will aim to realize a framework that enables active participation of women.
Specific initiatives
- By interviewing employees to identify the hidden gender gaps in each work process, we will grasp the problems that prevent active participation of women and examine solutions.
- We will create a working group made up of mainly female employees, and hold discussion meetings for the SDGs initiatives, such as realizing gender equality.
- We will review the work details and scope of responsibility for each job rank and consider diversification and clarification of the career paths for women.
Initiatives for making kamaboko that will achieve customer satisfaction, as well as protect the environment in relation to the manufacturing

Through education for improving the level of manufacturing and sales of kamaboko in order to achieve customer satisfaction, as well as passing down our manufacturing techniques, we will upgrade the structure for delivering safe and reassuring products to our customers.
Specific initiatives
- We will further improve our skills through education and other means in pursuit of making kamaboko that will achieve customer satisfaction.
- We will regularly identify the key points for education and formulate educational plans.
- We will ensure the implementation of the formulated educational plans.

We will work to switch our packaging materials to biomass materials.We will continuously strive to secure the safety of our employees by taking measures against flood disasters.
Specific initiatives
- We will strive to increase the ratio of biomass materials used.
- We will regularly conduct emergency drills in order to ensure rapid evacuation by restricting work when a tsunami warning or emergency warning is issued.

For inquiries about the SDGs, please contact our General Management Division (0225-95-2845).